SAI-338D digital factory transformer protection and control devices

I. Overview
SAI-338D for 35KV and below voltage level Petersen coil grounded or ungrounded systems plant / station transformer / grounding transformer protection and control .
Protection configuration:
● two definite -time overcurrent protection
● Overload protection ( alarm , trip )
● high side zero sequence overcurrent protection ( alarm , trip ) ( optional , must specify when ordering )
● low pressure side of the zero-sequence overcurrent protection ( definite time , inverse time )
● coincide protection
● Accelerated Protection
● non-power protection
Control Function Deployment
● This function with SAI-318D
Second, protection principle 2.1 , overcurrent
Real-time computing device and Sec overcurrent discrimination , are each a time limit , and each segment current time value can be independently tuning , which can control each segment through current protection cast back plate .
Sec apparatus when performing an overcurrent determination , the logical consistency determination section , the operating conditions were as follows:
1) Iφ> In; In the current value of n segments , Ij for the phase currents
2) T> Tn; Tn segment delay value is n
Specific logic shown below:
2.2 Low Voltage
With this device , you can achieve low-voltage control when the system voltage is below the set voltage , the device will automatically determine whether the removal of the load .
Criteria for low voltage components :
1 ) three line voltages are below the undervoltage set value and higher than 10V;
2 ) The three-phase current is less than the line undervoltage lockout current setting , and no PT disconnection signal ;
3 ) breaker in close position ;
4 ) the delay time to .
Its action logic is as follows :
Which , Iabc of phase currents Ia and Ib and Ic, Ibs as undervoltage lockout current value
2.3 , the high-pressure side of the zero-sequence overcurrent
Detection transformer neutral CT or zero sequence transformer high side filtering the zero sequence current transformer load when blown fuse rejected , as its back-up protection . Its logic is as follows :
Which , I0Gn high-pressure side of the zero- sequence current value , tripping the alarm by the control word choice.
2.4 overload
Overload device monitors three-phase current, the operating conditions are:
MAX (IF)> Ifh
Overload trip can control whether the word control .
Wherein , Ifh value of the overload current , Ia, b, c of the phase current
2.5 , the low pressure side zero sequence overcurrent
Detection transformer neutral CT or zero sequence transformer low voltage side filtering the zero sequence current transformer load when blown fuse rejected , as its back-up protection . In order to fuse with the fuse time characteristics match, neutral or low pressure side of the zero-sequence current protection using inverse-time characteristic curve as follows :
t = τ × Ied / (Iod-Ip)
Which , Ied to the low voltage side of the transformer rated current, neutral CT must be discounted when calculating the ratio of secondary value.
Iod for the current zero-sequence current.
Ip Inverse zero-sequence basis of the low side . Usually take 0.25 times the rated current of the low-pressure side .
τ zero sequence protection action, the fuse fitted with a time constant .
If you do not use inverse time characteristics can be selected using the control word by way of a time limit of zero-sequence overcurrent elements .
Its logic is as follows :
Which I0Dn low pressure side of zero sequence current value .
2.6 , switch position does not correspond to start
Without corresponding start reclosing circuit, using only TWJ contact breaker position monitoring . Consider the design of many new substations, especially integrated automation station , may not have the manual operating handle , the devices are designed to avoid the use of manually operated handle contact , the use of the device inside the hand STJ make contact when jumping to achieve reclosing latching .
2.7 , the current acceleration
When the transformer input manually or automatically to a permanent fault is detected either accelerated phase current is greater than the current value , the current acceleration by setting delay after delay , jump corresponding switch.
2.8 PT disconnection detection
Function with SAI-318D.
PT disconnection detection function can be cast back through the control word.
2.9 Non- electrical protection
Come from non- power transformer body contact, through strong electric switch 220V input to the device terminals. After receiving the non-power signal , trip or not is determined by the soft platen. Such as soft platen exit , only an alarm signal , otherwise jump while the corresponding switch. After tripping device or an alarm signal, event logging , and MMI will be recorded by the computer to upload to the background .
The specific meaning of each non-electricity , should be based on the specific circumstances of each access terminal project may be. Under normal circumstances , the default one for the non-power heavy gas inputs , 2 non-power light gas inputs , non-power 3 temperature inputs , non-power 4 high temperature inputs .
Its logic is as follows :
2.10 , data logging
Function with SAI-318D.
2.11 , remote telemetry, remote control
Function with SAI-318D.
Third, tuning and event information devices
3.1 , setting the value of the list :
No. Name Symbol Range Unit Remarks
A control word a KG1 0000 ~ FFFF no see control word description
2 control word two KG2 0000 ~ FFFF no see control word description
3 Current section Ⅰ I1 0.2 ~ 100.0 A
4 Current Ⅱ paragraph I2 0.2 ~ 100.0 A
5 Current section Ⅰ time T1 0.0 ~ 10.0 S
6 Current Ⅱ period of time T2 0.1 ~ 10.0 S
7 overload current Igfh 0.1 ~ 20.00 A
8 overload alarm time Tgfhgj 2 ~ 9000 S
9 overload trip time Tgfhtz 2 ~ 9000 S
10 high-pressure side of the zero- sequence overcurrent Ig0 0.1 ~ 20.0 A
11 high-pressure side of the zero- sequence overcurrent time Tg0 1.0 ~ 32.0 S
12 low side zero sequence current Id0 0.1 ~ 20.0 A
13 low-pressure side of zero sequence overcurrent time Td0 1.0 ~ 32.0 S
14 low side rated current Ied 0.2 ~ 100.0 A
15 low-side zero sequence Inverse baseline IP 0.2 ~ 100.0 A
16 acceleration segment current Ijs 0.2 ~ 100.0 A
17 current accelerated period of time Tjs 0.0 ~ 5.00 S
18 under voltage setpoint Udy 10 ~ 100.0 V
19 undervoltage time Tdy 0.0 ~ 100.0 S
20 undervoltage lockout current Ibs 0.2 ~ 100.0 A
21 measuring CT ratio (KA / A) CT 0.01 ~ 10.0 without a current / ( secondary current * 1000 )
22 measuring PT ratio (KV / V) PT 0.01 ~ 10.0 without a voltage / ( secondary voltage * 1000 )
Control word a definition:
Meaning Bit 0 is set to 1 when the meaning set
Sum 15 Sum self-test inputs to exit the self-test
14 CT rated current of 1A CT rated current of 5A
13 for the low pressure side of the zero-sequence CT 5A low side zero sequence CT is 1A
8-12 spare spare
7 control circuit break into the control loop break detection detects exit
4-6 Reserved Reserved
3 high-side high-side zero sequence zero-sequence vote cast trip alarm
2 Switchgear Switchgear coincidence does not coincide
A low-pressure side of the low pressure side of the zero-sequence definite time zero sequence inverse time
0 overload tripping overload without tripping ( send alarm signals only )
3.2 , soft list and description of the platen
Corresponding function name plate
Current segment segment Ⅰ Ⅰ current protection cast back
Current Ⅱ Ⅱ segment segment current protection cast back
Current Ⅲ Ⅲ segment segment current protection cast back
Acceleration Acceleration protection cast back
High side high side zero sequence zero-sequence current protection cast back
Low pressure side of the low pressure side of the zero-sequence zero-sequence current protection cast back
Low voltage and low voltage protection cast back
Non-electricity a non-power cast a trip back
Non-power consumption 2 2 Non- tripping cast back
Non-power consumption 3 3 Non- tripping cast back
Non-power consumption 4 4 Non- tripping cast back