SAI-368D digital transformer backup protection and control devices

I. Overview
SAI-368D digital grounding transformer protection devices are based on the current-voltage protection for transformer protection grounding sets basic configuration for 66KV and below voltage grounding transformers, or doubles as a stand with the grounding transformer . Can be installed in the switch cabinet in place , but also set the screen installed in the control room.
Protection configuration
● current protection
● zero sequence overcurrent protection ( zero sequence overcurrent high side and low side zero sequence overcurrent )
● zero sequence overvoltage protection
● non-power protection
● switch position does not correspond to start reclosing protection
Control Function Deployment
● 11 road open into the strong electric remote signal acquisition
● device power failure alarm , emergency signal device , the device alarm signal
● breaker remote control division , division and frequency statistics
● analog telemetry : Ia, Ib, Ic, Ua, Ub, Uc, P, Q,, COSθ, F
● power metering
● 2 -way pulse input
● 1 -way GPS time
Second, the principle that the protection of
2.1 overcurrent
Real-time computing device and overcurrent discrimination . Instantaneous protection actions in export export one, two , three, four closed simultaneously . Overcurrent protection action, with the control word , by setting the value of the time overcurrent time period Ⅰ, Ⅱ segment time overcurrent , overcurrent time overcurrent time Ⅲ Ⅳ segment and segment tuning, to constitute a tripping logic.
Overcurrent device when performing discrimination , speed off and overcurrent discrimination logically consistent , its action under the following conditions :
1) I> Id; Id as a quick break or over-current protection value , I is the phase current
2) T> Tdn; Tdn segment delay value is n
Its logic is as follows :
Isn which is fast breaking current value , In overcurrent setpoint
As the ground becomes the primary and back-up protection to protect the internal phase fault , in order to ensure that the internal phase fault on the ground becomes sufficient sensitivity , time zone, not an external ground fault malfunction , grounding variable power supply side should be connected to the secondary side of CT △ shape.
2.2 zero-sequence overcurrent
Zero-sequence overcurrent elements of implementation and overcurrent same basic components, exports trip when the following conditions :
1) 3I0> I0; I0: Zero sequence current value
2) T> T0n; T0n: zero-sequence segment delay value n
Zero sequence overcurrent protection action, with the control word , through the time setting of zero sequence overcurrent time period Ⅰ, Ⅱ segment , Ⅲ Ⅳ segment and tuning segment , on the export of one, two , three, four constitute export logic. Its logic is as follows :
The device for the high side and low side of the transformer ground are called , respectively, this component constitutes the zero-sequence current protection high side and low side. The device can also be high and low pressure side of the zero-sequence CT series , constitute two zero-sequence overcurrent protection .
2.3 Zero sequence overvoltage
When the following conditions are met , over-voltage component actions:
1) 3U0> U0; U0: zero sequence overvoltage setpoint
2) T> T0n; T0n: zero-sequence segment delay value n
Zero-sequence voltage protection action, with the control word , through the time setting of zero sequence overvoltage period Ⅰ, Ⅱ segment , Ⅲ Ⅳ segment and tuning segment , the output contacts one, two , three, four constitute export logic.
Its action logic is as follows :
2.4 Non -electrical protection
And external light control relay with providing heavy gas , light gas and overtemperature three -way non-power protection . Come from non- power transformer body contact, by converting light control relay 24V signal, switch output signal to the device 's input terminals. After receiving the non-power signal , trip or not is determined by the soft platen. Such as soft platen exit , only an alarm signal , otherwise all switches simultaneously jump accordingly . After tripping device or an alarm signal, event logging , and MMI will be recorded by the computer to upload to the background .
In the standard configuration of the device , the default setting for the switch input spare a heavy gas inputs , spare a function of the corresponding panel ; spare two inputs for the light gas , the corresponding panel spare two functions; spare 3 overtemperature input. 3 corresponds to the alternate panel features .
Default tripping logic: 3-way non-power protection plate when soft input switch can cut the ground becomes itself outside ( closed exit a ) . Heavy gas , over- temperature protection is also associated control word corresponding to jump into the main transformer through each switch (closed outlet two, three, four ) .
Its logic is as follows :
2.5 switch position does not correspond to start
Without corresponding start reclosing circuit, using only TWJ contact breaker position monitoring . Consider the design of many new substations, especially integrated automation station , may not have the manual operating handle , the devices are designed to avoid the use of manually operated handle contacts, use the hand panel of the device to trip -hop to achieve STJ make contact reclosing lockout .
2.6 Data Record
Function with SAI-318D.
2.7 remote telemetry , remote control
Function with SAI-318D.
Third, tuning and event information devices
3.1 overall inventory value
No. Name value range Unit Remarks
A control word 1 0000 ~ FFFF no see control word description
2 Control Word 2 0000 ~ FFFF no see control word description
3-speed breaking current value 0.2 ~ 100.0 A
4 overcurrent value 0.2 ~ 100.0 A
5 high-pressure side of the zero- sequence current 0.1 ~ 20.0 A
6 low side zero sequence current 0.1 ~ 20.0 A
7 zero-sequence overvoltage 1.0 ~ 120.0 V
8 Current Interruption Time 0.0 ~ 20.0 S
9 overcurrent time period Ⅰ 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
Current time Ⅱ section 10 over 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
11 over-current time period Ⅲ 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
12 overcurrent period Ⅳ 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
Paragraph 13 high side zero flow time Ⅰ 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
14 high-pressure side of the zero- flow time Ⅱ paragraph 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
15 high-pressure side of the zero- flow periods Ⅲ 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
16 high-pressure side of the zero- flow periods Ⅳ 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
17 low-pressure side of zero flow period Ⅰ 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
18 low-pressure side of zero flow time Ⅱ paragraph 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
19 low-pressure side of zero flow period Ⅲ 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
20 low-pressure side of zero flow period Ⅳ 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
21 zero-sequence overvoltage period Ⅰ 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
22 zero-sequence overvoltage time Ⅱ paragraph 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
23 zero-sequence overvoltage period Ⅲ 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
24 zero-sequence overvoltage period Ⅳ 0.1 ~ 20.0 S
25 measuring CT ratio (KA / A) 0.01 ~ 10.0 without a current / ( secondary current * 1000 )
26 measuring PT ratio (KV / V) 0.01 ~ 10.0 without a voltage / ( secondary voltage * 1000 )
A definition of the control word
Meaning Bit 0 is set to 1 when the meaning set
15 Reserved Reserved
14 CT rated current of 1A CT rated current of 5A
13 Switchgear Switchgear coincidence does not coincide
6-12 spare spare
5 3 tripping export four alternate cast spare three tripping export four back
4 Reserved 3 tripping export three cast spare three tripping export three back
3 Spare 3 tripping export two cast spare three tripping export two back
2 spare a tripping exit four cast four spare a tripping export refund
A spare one tripping export three cast spare a tripping export three back
0 Spare a tripping export two cast spare a tripping export two back
Control word two definitions: over current export control word programming .
Meaning Bit 0 is set to 1 when the meaning set
15 zero-sequence overvoltage limit Ⅳ Ⅳ cast zero sequence overvoltage limit retreat
14 zero-sequence overvoltage limit of zero sequence overvoltage cast Ⅲ Ⅲ time back
13 zero-sequence overvoltage limit Ⅱ Ⅱ cast zero sequence overvoltage limit retreat
12 zero-sequence overvoltage limit Ⅰ Ⅰ cast time zero sequence overvoltage retire
11 low-side zero time investment flows Ⅳ Ⅳ low-side current limit back to zero
10 low-side current limit of zero investment and low side Ⅲ Ⅲ time back to zero flow
9 low-side limit of zero flow Ⅱ Ⅱ cast low-side current limit back to zero
Eight low-side zero time investment flows Ⅰ Ⅰ time low side of zero flow back
7 high-side limit of zero flow Ⅳ Ⅳ cast high-side current limit back to zero
6 high-side current limit of zero vote Ⅲ Ⅲ high side of the zero flow back time
5 high side zero time investment flows Ⅱ Ⅱ high-side current limit back to zero
4 high-side limit of zero flow Ⅰ Ⅰ cast high-side current limit back to zero
3 overcurrent Ⅳ Ⅳ time overcurrent time cast back
2 overcurrent time overcurrent Ⅲ Ⅲ cast back time
An over-current limit Ⅱ Ⅱ time overcurrent cast back
0 vote overcurrent time overcurrent Ⅰ Ⅰ time back
3.2 , soft list and description of the platen
Corresponding function name plate
Quick-break quick break protection cast back
Overcurrent overcurrent protection cast back
High-side high voltage side of the zero- flow zero-sequence current protection cast back
Zero- flow low-pressure side of the low-side zero sequence current protection cast back
Zero sequence overvoltage zero sequence voltage protection cast back
Spare a heavy gas protection investment return trip function ( default )
Spare two light gas protection trip function cast back ( default )
Spare 3 overtemperature protection trip function cast off ( default )
4 features 4 alternate alternate cast back
Spare 5 Spare 5 features cast back