SAI-218D line protection and control devices

1 Functional Configuration
Three-stage low pressure off the locking time phase overcurrent
Inverse phase overcurrent ( in general, very, extremely )
Zero sequence overcurrent protection alarm and trip
Pepper closing acceleration protection
Overload alarm and trip protection
Three-phase reclosing
Small zero sequence current protection alarm and trip
2 . Description
2.1 Three- white overcurrent
The three-stage low-voltage lockout device settings and white over-current protection , Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ fixed time limit, and white can also inverse time overcurrent protection . Either definite time or inverse time , each segment cast back control value (I1nf, I2nf, I3nf) can be controlled independently of each segment usage. Cast back control setpoint value means:
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: simple overcurrent, 2 : Low lockout overcurrent
Overcurrent protection features soft white plate , only the soft plate and cast back into the control values are given , the corresponding stages before investment.
2.1.1 Low blocking element
Using line voltage lockout mode , the line voltage MAX (Uab, Ubc, Uca) is less than the low-pressure phase overcurrent closed lock value Set_ULbs, low voltage lockout conditions are met, the open truth of each segment overcurrent protection.
2.1.2 Inverse time characteristics
White overcurrent protection characteristics selection setting Ifsx be selected for definite time or inverse time protection:
0 : Exit , 1,2,3 : Inverse time ( corresponding to the following ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) and ( 3) ) .
Choose to use one of the following three criteria inverse time characteristics . Inverse time characteristics for the current reference value IP and white inverse time protection current reference value Ii, tP inverse characteristic time constant for the white anti-time protection time constant tIi.
Normal inverse characteristics :
Very inverse characteristics :
Extremely inverse characteristics :
2.2 zero sequence overcurrent protection alarm and trip
This device is set to zero sequence overcurrent protection alarm and trip , mainly for the user and low resistance grounding system settings . Back control of its investment value Ionf value means:
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: Alarm 1: Trip
Zero sequence overcurrent trip protection features soft plate, only the soft plate and cast back into the control values are given , the trip was put into protection ; zero sequence overcurrent alarm input control word can only generate an alarm event .
2.3 small current zero- sequence overcurrent protection alarm and trip
The device is provided a small current zero sequence overcurrent protection alarm and trip , mainly for non-grounded system and user settings . Can be cast back control value (Ioxnf) setting for the alarm and trip . Cast back control setpoint value means:
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: Alarm , 2 : Trip
Small current zero- sequence overcurrent trip protection features soft plate, pressure plate and throw only soft values are given back control inputs , the corresponding trip protection was put in ; small current zero- sequence overcurrent alarm input control word can only generate an alarm events.
2.4 Closing white accelerated protection
This unit has the perfect closing acceleration phase overcurrent protection , accelerated by the white protective cast back setting Ijsnf control . Ijsnf values means:
0 : Exit 1 : Inputs - 1: Investment Acceleration ( manual closing , reclosing )
Accelerated memory time 3S. After accelerating action to protect exports , the latter is not restricted memory acceleration time until the line switch is tripped , the current element returns , only to return after the acceleration protection . After closing speed with a soft protective plate , only the soft plate and cast back into the control values are given , the closing was accelerated investment protection .
2.5 three-phase reclosing
This device has a three-phase reclosing cast back control (CCHnf), reclosing delay (tCCH), reclosing export pulse time Thzmc, cast back control setpoint values CCHnf meaning :
0 : Exit 1 : Inputs
Reclosing in charge must have completed before starting conditions , the switch position does not correspond or no flow protection action after line , reclosing start.
This device reclosing closing pulse defaults 120ms, you can modify the pulse time reclosing export value Thzmc be modified.
Reclosing feature soft plate, only the soft plate and cast back into the control values are given when reclosing only inputs.
2.5.1 reclosing discharge
Line in normal operation (HWJ = 1), non- reclosing lockout signal , charging is complete after 5 seconds delay .
Reclosing lockout conditions are as follows :
1 ) External latch input
2 ) Control loop break
Reclosing discharge conditions were as follows:
1 ) local or remote hands jump line
2 ) overload tripping
2.6 Overload protection
Overload protection device cast back control setpoint values Igfhnf meaning :
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: Alarm , 2 : Trip
Overload trip protection features soft plate, only the soft plate and cast back into the control values are given , the corresponding trip protection was put in ; overload alarm input control word can only generate an alarm event .
2.7 System abnormal condition alarm and lockout
2.7.1 bus PT break alarm
Meet any of the following one , the device sent by the delay 10S bus PT break alarm signal.
⑴ positive sequence voltage U1 < when 0.15Un, any phase current > 0.04In
⑵ negative sequence voltage U2> 8V.
2.7.2 bus PT break blocking the functional
When the bus PT break, break detection by PT cast back control value PTDXbs select latching behavior.
When you exit the voltage blocking element , the device does not have to access the bus voltage , PTDXbs setting is 0 , do not check the PT disconnected.
PTDXbs as a whole , bus PT disconnection voltage lockout -related components: white low voltage blocking element , the element into alternating current protection is blocked.
PTDXbs tuning 2 open when bus voltage elements related to PT disconnection : white low voltage blocking element , the element into white and zero-sequence overcurrent protection becomes simple overcurrent protection.
2.7.3 Control loop break alarm
TWJ and HWJ same time is 1 or 0 , after the alarm delay .
3 . Device tuning
Including soft plate tuning device , the device settings and device parameters in three areas , see 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 .
Tuning should follow the relevant regulations , the device has special requirements in the relevant notes. Device parameters without special needs , it is desirable default values listed in the table . No protection, it should control the value to 0 - exit.
3.1 Soft- plate tuning device
Three sections of white over-current protection
Overload trip protection
Line acceleration protection
Reclosing protection
Zero sequence overcurrent protection
Small current zero-sequence overcurrent protection
Note : a soft plate only two values : inputs, quit. When the device is shipped , soft plate are tuning to quit.
3.2 Device setting value
3.2 Name
Tuning range
Segment Ⅰ
Section Ⅰ phase overcurrent protection cast back control
Note 1
3.2 Section Ⅰ phase overcurrent current value
0.5 ~ 100A
Section Ⅰ phase overcurrent delay setting
0.01 ~ 9.99S
3.2 Ⅱ segment
Ⅱ phase overcurrent protection cast back control segment
Note 1
Ⅱ phase overcurrent current value segment
0.5 ~ 100A
Section 3.2 Ⅱ white overcurrent delay setting
0.1 ~ 9.99S
Ⅲ section
Section Ⅲ phase overcurrent protection cast back control
Note 1
3.2 Section Ⅲ phase overcurrent current value
0.5 ~ 100A
Phase overcurrent delay setting section Ⅲ
0.1 ~ 99.99S
3.2 Inverse
Inverse time protection features white control word
Note 2
White inverse time protection current reference value
0.5 ~ 100A
3.2 white Inverse time constant protection
0.1 ~ 99.99S
Public value
PT disconnection detection cast back control
Note 3
3.2 Low closing lock phase overcurrent values
2 ~ 120V
Line Voltage
Overload protection cast back control
Note 4
3.2 overload current value
0.5 ~ 100A
Overload time delay setting
0.1 ~ 99.99S
Acceleration section 3.2
Accelerated white protective cast back control
White acceleration current value
0.5 ~ 100A
3.2 white acceleration delay setting
0.01 ~ 9.99S
Small current zero-sequence
Zero-sequence control alarm or trip cast back
Note 4
3.2 Zero sequence current value
Zero sequence delay setting
3.2 Automatic
Automatic reclosing cast back control
Reclosing delay setting
0.01 ~ 9S
3.2 reclosing export pulse time
0.12 ~ 5S
. 1 I1nf, I2nf and I3nf values have the following meanings :
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: simple overcurrent 2 : Low-voltage lockout overcurrent
. 2 Ifsx and Iofsx values have the following meanings :
0 : Exit 1 to 3 : Inverse - 1: General , 2 : very , 3: Extreme
. 3 PTDXbs values have the following meanings :
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: PT break blocking voltage components , 2: PT break open voltage components
. 4 Igfhnf, Ionf and Ixonf values have the following meanings :
0 : Exit 1 to 2: inputs - 1: Alarm 2 : Trip
3.3 device parameter tuning
No. Name Symbol Range
A device -level management device mailing address ADDR 1 ~ 110
2 operation of the device password is PASSWORD 0 ~ 99
3 baud baud rate setting BTL 0 ~ 9
4 AC rated CT primary current rating of the amount Sec.IN 0 ~ 65535A
5 PT primary current rating Sec.UN 0 ~ 999.9KV
4 . Protection Principle wiring diagram